The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything

This book is a kind of collection of anecdotes about creative people, and it has a lot insights about creativity.
Basically, there are two notions about creativity lately.

1. How to deal with failure
2. Creativity is not only for few geniuses, but for everyone

His books describe what creativity is concisely. Especially he’s been working for education, so mainly his perspective is on education, but it can be applied for other disciplines.

Now is a kind of age of life-long learning, so no one can escape from the importance of learning process. One of the difficulties for adults in being creative or learning something new is the shame of failure. No one wants to fail even if you understand you cannot completely avoid failing for being creative.
What is true is that if you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original. p.15


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